Relevant to: Regulated Entities1
Circular C627 (“the Circular”) dated 03/04/2024 is issued pursuant to section 25(1)(c)(ii) & (iii) of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission Law (‘the CySEC Law’).
Through Circular C627, CySEC wishes to inform Regulated Entities for the obligation to submit the Quarterly Statistics Form.
The key takeaways from CySEC’s C627 circular can be found below:
- A new version of the form, QST-MC Version 21 (‘the Form’), found in the Appendix, is issued. The Form must be completed and submitted to CySEC by all Regulated Entities that were authorised or appointed to act as External Managers (in case no authorisation is required by the relevant legislation), by March 31, 2024. In this respect, Regulated Entities that were authorised or appointed to act as External Managers by March 31, 2024, but have not made use of their authorisation must also submit the Form.
- The deadline to submit the Form is by Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the latest. The Form must be successfully submitted electronically, via the CySEC’s Transaction Reporting System (‘TRS’). The Form is regarded as being successfully submitted to CySEC, only when a NO ERROR indication feedback file is received.
- The steps that Regulated Entities will have to follow, for the successful submission of the Form to the TRS, can be found here.
- Circular C627 also refers to the method of creating, signing and submitting the Form to CySEC and other useful information for completing and submitting the Form.
Should you need more information or assistance with completing the Form, you can email us at or call us at 25-508400.
[1]Alternative Investment Fund Managers (‘AIFMs’), Internally managed AIFs, UCITS Management Companies, Internally Managed UCITS, Internally Managed Alternative Investment Funds with Limited Number of Persons (‘AIFLNP’) Companies with sole purpose the management of AIFLNPs and Small AIFMs.