In its capacity as external manager, MNK Capital Management Ltd can serve as the appointed Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Compliance Officer. We ensure that the funds we manage are compliant with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including:
- Laws and Directives regarding the prevention of Money Laundering (“ML”) and Terrorist Financing (“TF”); and
- Latest relevant circulars, directive or amending laws issued by CySEC.
Our AML Compliance Officer services, for the funds under our management, include the following:
- Assume full responsibility before CySEC;
- Development of AML Policy and manual with supporting procedures;
- Development of AML risk scoring methodology and implementing this for risk scoring investors upon submitting their subscription applications and (for existing investors) upon regular KYC verifications;
- Assessment of the economic profile of investors and ensuring whether it is in line to the investment risk-return profile of the managed fund they subscribe to;
- Gathering and review/analyse investor KYC data;
- Development of internal practices, measures, procedures and controls relevant to the prevention of ML and TF;
- Development and establishment of the managed funds and their investors’ Acceptance Policy;
- Preparation of the AMLCO’s Annual Report on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing;
- Preparation of the Monthly Prevention Statements;
- Responding to any requests and queries from MOKAS and/ or CySEC;
- Conduct of KYC/Due Diligence of prospective investors prior to on-boarding;
- Assisting in the establishment and implementation of relevant Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing policies and procedures as per the provisions of the Law and the requirements of CySEC;
- Conduct ad-hoc inspections on AML matters;
- Assist in responding to any CySEC requests and/or notifications and ensure a good working relationship with the regulatory authorities.